Exposé complet, Education as a factor of social Cohesion

Education is widely considered to be one of the main factors of social cohesion – fostering shared values and giving young people the skills to find employment and integrate into society. The sociologist Emile Durkheim was the first who used the concept of social cohesion. According to him social cohesion is an ordering feature of a society. Social cohesion is the capacity of a society to ensure the wellbeing of all its members, minimizing disparities and avoiding marginalization. In other words, we can say that it is the foundation of human existence and co-existence. Social cohesion is universal, indivisible, and interdependent and is principle by which we create the sacred home for human dignity. Social cohesion has also been seen as contributing to cohesion and education is viewed as “the most powerful generator of social capital” in our society.
In view of, education is thought of providing such a bridging capital to individual. Examines the ways education is related to social cohesion, mainly in sociology of education approaches. Education is viewed as an important institution that contributes to cohesion by socializing the new members of the society, providing them with knowledge and skills in order to facilitate their social participation.
1. Definition of Education
According to the dictionary, education is an implementation of means suitable for ensuring the training and development of a human being; means to achieve this.
In the etymological sense, from the Latin ex-ducere, to guide, to lead out. Education can be defined as the action of developing a set of moral, physical, intellectual, scientific knowledge and values, etc. considered essential to achieve the desired level of culture. Education makes it possible to transmit from one generation to the next the culture necessary for the development of the personality and the social integration of the individual. The education of children and adolescents is based on the family, school, society, but also on personal reading and the use of media such as television or the Internet.
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2. Definition of social cohesion
1. Contribution of Education
2. Role of Higher Education